Alessandro Mantovani (a.k.a `elmanto`) is a PhD student in the S3 group of Eurecom, under the supervision of prof. Davide Balzarotti. He got a Msc degree in computer science engineering from University of Genoa (Italy), after spending 4 months at EURECOM as intern to work on his master thesis.

His research interests mainly focus on vulnerability discovery on Linux and Windows malware analysis. Furthermore, elmanto is currently involved in the DARPA CHESS project which aims to the development of the first Human-assisted Cyber Reasoning System (HaCRS).

During free time, elmanto loves playing CTFs, practicing some sports and (sadly not so often) playing guitar.


Alessandro Mantovani, Simone Aonzo, Xabier Ugarte-Pedrero, Alessio Merlo and Davide Balzarotti
NDSS Symposium 2020, San Diego, CA, USA
Alexander Kuechler, Alessandro Mantovani, Yufei Han, Leyla Bilge and Davide Balzarotti
NDSS Symposium 2021, San Diego, CA, USA
Alessandro Mantovani, Simone Aonzo, Yanick Fratantonio and Davide Balzarotti
Usenix 2022, Boston, MA, USA
Alessandro Mantovani, Luca Compagna, Yan shoshitaishvili and Davide Balzarotti
AsiaCCS 2022, Nagasaki, Japan
Alessandro Mantovani, Andrea Fioraldi and Davide Balzarotti
EuroS&P 2022, Genoa, Italy
Andrea Fioraldi, Alessandro Mantovani, Dominik Maier, Davide Balzarotti
1st International Fuzzing Workshop (FUZZING 2022)


Low Entropy Malware Dataset


  • Mail: python -c "print 'mant%s%seurecom.%s' % ('ovan', '@', 'fr')"
  • Twitter: @elmant0

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    450 Route des Chappes, 06410 Biot FRANCE
    Office: 370