I am a Ph.D. student from the Software and System Security (S3) group at EURECOM under the supervision of AurĂ©lien Francillon. Previously, I obtained a master degree in cybersecurity from the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-ev-Yvelines (UVSQ) and an engineer grade from the ISTY. I am interested into security issues arising from cross-layer interactions, such as hardware and software, or hardware and the physical environment. During my internship at IRISA at Rennes (France), I performed micro-architectural side-channel attacks, such as Spectre and Flush+Reload on the gem5 simulator. During my Ph.D., I focus on electromagnetic side-channel attacks and security vulnerabilities exploitable using Software-Defined Radio. Outside security research, I’m particularly interested into privacy concerns and free software development. When I’m not in front of a computer, you can find me climbing mountains or doing crowd surfing beneath a metal band. |
Reproducing Spectre Attack with gem5: How To Do It Right?EuroSec '21: Proceedings of the 14th European Workshop on Systems Security
Reproducing Spectre Attack with gem5: How To Do It Right?ICHSA 2021, 3rd Israeli Conference on Hardware and Side-Channel Attacks
Screaming Channels on Bluetooth Low EnergyMain repository of the "Screaming Channels on Bluetooth Low Energy" project.
SoapyRXAn SDR receiver built on SoapySDR.
Side-Channel Analysis Flexible Framework (SCAFF)Python library and command-line tool to perform power or electromagnetic side-channel attacks.